Quilting with a Busy Life: How to Balance Your Passion with Responsibilities

As quilters, we know that our craft brings us joy and fulfillment. But in the midst of busy schedules, demanding jobs, and family responsibilities, finding time for quilting can sometimes feel like a challenge. However, with the right strategies and tools, it’s possible to pursue our passion while juggling all of life’s demands. Here are some some practical tips for balancing quilting with a busy life.

1. Time Management:

Effectively managing your time is crucial when balancing quilting with other responsibilities. The best planning system I’ve found, is The Bullet Journal Method by Ryder Carroll. Instead of buy a large expensive planner, you tackle your life through a blank notebook.

It’s amazing how graduations come and go and then become distant. There are many stories of quilters finishing a baby blanket for a child entering high school, or a wedding quilt for a couple that might get it at their 10 year anniversary party. Writing, and re-writing those upcoming events helps immensely to keep your time sewing on track for those milestones. And then if those events pass, keeping those projects on your in-progress list will help them get finished in a relevant timeframe.

When you don’t know where to start, start with where you are. List out all your projects. This is difficult to face for many, and may require a healing process on facing projects that aren’t fit for your life anymore. Also list the wishlist and dream projects.

With everything laid out on your list, now start looking at your time. Where to you have blocks of time? Where can you make blocks of time? Challenge yourself to schedule focus time on your quilting. Give yourself grace when your battery runs out if you were going to quilt at the end of the night.

2. Prioritize Tasks:

Identify the most important quilting tasks that will move you closer to your goals, and focus on those first. Break down larger projects into smaller, manageable steps, and tackle them one at a time. Learn to say no to less important activities that don’t align with your quilting priorities.

I have a simple calendar that I make a quick note on each day on what I worked on. It adds up fast, and you learn a lot about what you are prioritizing. In 2023 I was doing a lot of “snack sewing” with small projects. When I looked back on everything I sewed, I would have liked to traded 20 small projects in for one more quilt. It’s something I keep in check now, and I move to the next step I wrote out in my priority project instead of making a table runner for a quick finish fix.

3. Set Realistic Goals:

Set achievable goals for your quilting projects, taking into account your available time and resources. Break down larger projects into smaller milestones, and celebrate your progress along the way. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t meet every deadline – the journey is just as important as the destination.

The making is sometimes more of the joy than the actual creation. I love the sound of my sewing machine, the site of a fresh stack of neatly cut squares, the warm iron on fabric during cold mornings.

With the right goals, and joy in the moment, you’ll feel the calm joy of being on track for these moments. Appreciating the small moments will start to naturally shift your stressful day to make room for them.

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4. Involve Your Family:

Find ways to involve your family in your quilting journey, especially if you have young children. Create a safe, designated quilting space where your kids can play nearby while you work, or enlist their help with simple tasks like sorting fabric or choosing colors for your next project.

A toy iron gets lots of mileage as they smooth out the assorted colors and prints of pre-cuts. It’s fun to see what they get excited about, and keeps you inspired to make more of what they love.

A fresh pair of eyes on your block layout can save you a lot of effort on a quilt that’s exhausted your decision making battery.

5. Seek Support:

Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Reach out to fellow quilters for advice, encouragement, and inspiration.

Joining an online quilt-along is a great resource for community for those that don’t have access or desire to join a guild. I’m consistently floored by the resourcefulness and compassion that is within the quilt community.

Don’t forget Quilting specific Facebook Groups for a way to connect with others. The Bobbin Along with Brittany Facebook Group is a fun group where you can share your projects, ask questions, or participate in one of the sew-alongs!

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6. Maximize Downtime:

Look for opportunities to quilt during moments of downtime throughout your day. Whether it’s during your lunch break at work, while waiting for your child to finish an activity, or after they’ve gone to bed, use these moments wisely to make progress on your projects.

This is a good opportunity for tracing applique, hand sewing, hand finished binding or labels, and browsing your favorite quilt resources.

We love this lap desk so much, we had to buy a second one for the other side of the house. It’s great for working on projects in a recliner.

7. Stay Flexible:

Life with a busy schedule can be unpredictable, so it’s important to stay flexible and adaptable. Be prepared to adjust your quilting plans and expectations as needed, and remember that it’s okay to take breaks when necessary to avoid burnout.

Have you even been tired, gone to sew, and chain pieced 50 units together incorrectly? It’s a infuriating feeling that you would be further ahead if you hadn’t gone to sew at all! Allow yourself rest. This year I’ve been prioritizing my sleep over the late night sewing, and found I haven’t had fewer finishes. Being refreshed is better, more efficient sewing in the end!

It’s important that sewing more isn’t just about budgeting your time, you also have to check in on your energy levels. Sometimes you wake up, and your mind can’t be there on the task. Do what you can, with the energy you have, and make sure it’s the sewing that works towards what you want it to serve.

Balancing quilting with a busy life may require some extra effort and creativity, but with the right strategies and tools, it’s entirely possible to pursue your passion while still meeting all of life’s demands. By prioritizing your time, setting realistic goals, and seeking support when needed, you can enjoy the therapeutic benefits of quilting while creating beautiful works of art to cherish for years to come.

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